Looking for love on Valentine's Day? Good grammar may help.

If you're single and looking for a mate on an online dating site, be aware that the writing skills people display in their online dating profiles affect their chances of finding romance.

Our friends at Grammarly partnered with the online dating website eHarmony to find out just how much of an impact grammar and writing skills have in the online dating arena. The results may surprise you.

For example:

  • Men who properly use “whom” get 31 percent more contacts from the opposite sex.
  • For men, just two spelling errors reduced the chances of a response by 14 percent, but writing mistakes women made did not seem to impact their chances of a positive match.
  • Both men and women said they would give grammar more weight than confidence when judging a date.

Grammarly put together the infographic below with the full results:


Valentine's Day Grammar 2016 Infographic

Jacquelyn Lynn
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