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Mark Goldstein Responds to Shareable Saturday Quotes

We send our Shareable Saturday emails to fulfill our mission to create, teach, and inspire, not to get responses. Still, Jerry and I love reading the emails we receive when our messages have touched people. We especially appreciate the creativity and wisdom behind Mark Goldstein’s comments. It’s been a while since I’ve shared any of [...]

By |2023-04-01T15:48:36-04:00April 1st, 2023|Jacquelyn Lynn, Shareable Saturday, Videos|Comments Off on Mark Goldstein Responds to Shareable Saturday Quotes

Falcon 9 Launch

Drone video of a Falcon 9 launch Being able to see the launches just by going outside is one of the many cool things about living in Central Florida. Jerry Clement has done some beautiful still photography of the launches and decided to see what it would look like if he shot video from our backyard [...]

By |2022-10-10T15:34:47-04:00October 10th, 2022|Jacquelyn Lynn, Jerry D Clement, Videography, Videos|Comments Off on Falcon 9 Launch

Fun Product, Fascinating Entrepreneurial Story

Have fun with Blinger and be inspired by its creator Angie Cella I discovered Blinger at the U.S. Christian Chamber Business Expo and Conference, where Angie Cella was an exhibitor and speaker. I was captivated by her product and her story. Blinger is a cool gadget that lets you apply bling in the form of [...]

By |2021-11-04T18:09:21-04:00November 4th, 2021|Jacquelyn Lynn, Recommended Reading & Products, Videos|Comments Off on Fun Product, Fascinating Entrepreneurial Story

Watch Shareable Saturday anytime on our new YouTube channel

Inspiration, Meditation, Relaxation Get and share the inspiration of our Shareable Saturday messages at your convenience on our new YouTube channel: Inspiration, Meditation, Relaxation. When we began Shareable Saturday nearly three years ago, our goal was to send an inspirational quote overlaid on one of Jerry Clement’s beautiful photographs that you could read, enjoy, keep, [...]

By |2021-10-13T06:49:06-04:00October 13th, 2021|Jacquelyn Lynn, Shareable Saturday, Videography, Videos|Comments Off on Watch Shareable Saturday anytime on our new YouTube channel

If All You Can Do is Pray, Pray!

  Below is an edited transcript of the video: If all you can do is pray, then pray. Pray with passion, pray with enthusiasm, pray without ceasing. So often I hear people who know people in need and they’d like to help, but for whatever reason they can’t. Maybe the person is in another city [...]

By |2021-02-24T15:57:49-05:00February 24th, 2021|Inspiration, Jacquelyn Lynn, Videos|Comments Off on If All You Can Do is Pray, Pray!

How to Find Joy in These Frightening Times

I’m writing this in the summer of 2020—the summer of the COVID-19 pandemic, the summer of demonstrations and riots, the summer of skyrocketing murder rates and crime in America’s major cities.   It’s a crazy time. Are things going to get better? Get worse? We don’t know—and because we don’t know, it’s easy to be [...]

By |2020-08-02T15:19:31-04:00July 30th, 2020|Attitude and Motivation, Inspiration, Jacquelyn Lynn, Videos|Comments Off on How to Find Joy in These Frightening Times

How to Relieve the Pain of Sciatica

Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. Typically, sciatica affects only one side of your body. (Source: Mayo Clinic) Though this is a departure from what we usually post on our website, I decided [...]

By |2020-08-02T15:22:46-04:00July 9th, 2020|General Information, Jacquelyn Lynn, Videos|Comments Off on How to Relieve the Pain of Sciatica

10 Characteristics High Achievers Have in Common

During the COVID-19 lockdown, members of the Central Florida Christian Chamber gathered on Zoom every afternoon for an hour of sharing and relationship-building. During one of those sessions, I gave this presentation on 10 characteristics high achievers have in common based on information in my ebook, The Mindset of High Achievers. Watch the 10-minute video: [...]

By |2020-06-07T12:16:59-04:00May 6th, 2020|Attitude and Motivation, General Information, Jacquelyn Lynn, Recommended Reading & Products, Videos|Comments Off on 10 Characteristics High Achievers Have in Common

Mistakes Can Doom a Book

It’s an exciting time to be a self-published author, but mistakes can doom your book. One of the most common mistakes self-publishers make is sloppy proofreading. Errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage, and so on are one of the primary reasons for negative book reviews and returns. A good proofreader will catch and correct [...]

By |2020-01-26T17:28:02-05:00January 26th, 2020|Jacquelyn Lynn, Self-publishing, Videos|Comments Off on Mistakes Can Doom a Book

Self-Publishing Predictions for the 2020s

When I had the privilege of speaking to the Space Coast Writers' Guild about mistakes self-publishers make, I shared some predictions about what would change for self-publishers in the 2020s. One of the most important trends we’ve been seeing and that will only get stronger is that authors are becoming increasingly empowered. Traditional publishers no [...]

By |2020-01-27T07:12:46-05:00January 25th, 2020|Jacquelyn Lynn, Self-publishing, Videos|Comments Off on Self-Publishing Predictions for the 2020s
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