Stop & Shift: The Mindset Reset that Changes Everything
Karen Allen
Sound Wisdom

Learn to let go of what’s been holding you back

Several years ago, I saw Karen Allen speak at the Central Florida Christian Chamber of Commerce. In sharing her story, she delivered a powerful message—it was impossible to be in that room and not be changed by what we heard.

Recently, I was in the office of a friend and client who had a few copies of Stop & Shift, a new book by Karen Allen, on the table in her reception area. As I was leaving, she picked one up, said a friend of hers had written this book, and offered me a copy.

I eagerly accepted and read Stop & Shift the next day.

Allen was living a charmed life: At 29, her own career was successful, her husband had opened a CrossFit gym that was doing well, they had a happy marriage and a lively two-year-old son. And then her husband was murdered while teaching a class at his gym.

How do you recover from that?

You stop and shift.

Allen describes her painful journey with intense candor. She has a lot of answers now that she didn’t have then, but before she shares them, she stresses this:

“In the midst of any trial, setback, or any number of life’s disruptions, you can face your troubles and grow from them. Growth can be a generous gift, and good news—the struggle is not required. You don’t have to go through a painful experience to level up your life; you just need to choose to grow.”

Allen discusses the importance of brain health and mental wellness, which includes mental health, mental strength, and mental performance. She shares just enough of her research on brain health to let you know she’s coming from a solid, science-based perspective, but not so much that you feel like you’re getting bogged down in a medical textbook.

In an easy-to-read, conversational tone, Allen explains how to understand your behavior and thought patterns, identify the negative and harmful ones, quiet the noise, and shift to a focus and mindset that allows you to move to a positive, open state where you’re in control. She tells you what to do and provides exercises to help you do it.

Though it’s not a major point of Stop & Shift, Allen discusses the critical issue of how companies deal with employees who experience tragedies and how important it is to go beyond the standard three or five days of bereavement leave outlined in the company handbook. If you’re in a policy-making position with a company, you may want to consult with her on that.

Stop & Shift will teach you how to manage and maximize the amazing and powerful gift of your mind. A few hours spent reading this book can mean years of improved thinking and better choices.

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