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Should You Publish on Medium?

Can Publishing on Medium Help Grow Your Business? Take this quiz and find out Would you like to put the content that’s currently on your website in front of 100 million readers? Do you have old content on your website that you’d like to update and share with a larger audience? Are you looking [...]

By |2023-06-10T15:50:03-04:00November 13th, 2022|Content Marketing, Jacquelyn Lynn, Self-publishing, Writing|Comments Off on Should You Publish on Medium?

Tyler Perry Receives “Honorary” Award for Something He Actually Did

Words Matter Incorrect word use diminishes Perry’s efforts and accomplishments Tyler Perry will receive an honorary AARP Purpose Prize® award in 2023. According to the AARP website: The AARP® Purpose Prize® award supports AARP's mission by honoring extraordinary people ages 50 and older who tap into the power of life experience to build a better [...]

By |2022-07-29T15:13:33-04:00July 29th, 2022|Jacquelyn Lynn, Writing|Comments Off on Tyler Perry Receives “Honorary” Award for Something He Actually Did

Jacquelyn Lynn and Mike Gilland Talk About Writing and Publishing

On Afternoons with Mike on the Shepherd Radio, Jacquelyn Lynn and Mike Gilland talk about writing and publishing. There are a lot of good reasons to write and publish a book. Everyone has a story worth writing and preserving, even if you don't care about sharing it with the masses—and especially if you do. Jacquelyn [...]

By |2022-07-11T13:00:44-04:00July 11th, 2022|Media, Recommended Reading & Products, Self-publishing, Writing|Comments Off on Jacquelyn Lynn and Mike Gilland Talk About Writing and Publishing

Writing Tip: Don’t try to cram everything into the first chapter

Save some gems for the rest of your book Almost every ghostwriting client I’ve worked with has made the common mistake of wanting to get all their important messages in the first few pages of their book. Or, similarly, when I’m writing articles for them, they want too many concepts in a single piece, rather [...]

By |2022-05-25T19:59:44-04:00May 25th, 2022|Jacquelyn Lynn, Self-publishing, Writing|Comments Off on Writing Tip: Don’t try to cram everything into the first chapter

There’s no such thing as gay marriage

There’s no such thing as gay marriage This is not a political statement, it’s a grammar rant. There’s an often-used figure of speech known as a transferred epithet, which is when you use an adjective to modify something that the adjective doesn’t really describe. It’s a literary device that can be powerful. Think of lonely [...]

By |2022-04-15T18:01:12-04:00April 15th, 2022|Grammar Tip, Jacquelyn Lynn, Writing|Comments Off on There’s no such thing as gay marriage

Indie & Traditional Book Publishing Today: An Inside Look

How authors and publishers are dealing with book distribution amid supply chain issues, shortages, rising costs, and more Recently I had the opportunity to hear Athena Dean Holtz, founder and publisher of Redemption Press, speak to Word Weavers about the challenges facing authors and publishers today. Here are the highlights of her presentation: The impact [...]

By |2022-04-08T14:38:27-04:00April 8th, 2022|Jacquelyn Lynn, Self-publishing, Writing|Comments Off on Indie & Traditional Book Publishing Today: An Inside Look

How to Avoid Being Ripped Off by a Publisher

My friend was beside herself with excitement. A publisher told her he wanted to publish her book—a book she hadn’t even started writing yet. Knowing that I’m the author or ghostwriter of more than 45 books, she called me for advice. My first question was: “How much is he going to charge you?” She was [...]

By |2022-01-22T15:40:16-05:00January 4th, 2022|Jacquelyn Lynn, Self-publishing, Writing|Comments Off on How to Avoid Being Ripped Off by a Publisher

How Can I Say, “You’re Stupid”? Let Me Count the Ways

Can you hear it in your head? There must be … “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover” I wonder if Paul Simon had any idea when he wrote that song how many ways the title would be modified and reused. More than 20 years after the song’s 1975 release, a magazine gave me an assignment [...]

By |2021-08-25T19:40:57-04:00August 25th, 2021|Communications, Jacquelyn Lynn, Writing|Comments Off on How Can I Say, “You’re Stupid”? Let Me Count the Ways

Writing Tip

Serve Steak, Not Stew I like steak. I also like stew. What does that have to do with writing? One of my biggest challenges is when I’m in the middle of writing one thing and something unrelated pops into my head. What do I do with the new idea? I don’t want to lose a [...]

By |2021-08-18T14:57:11-04:00August 18th, 2021|Communications, Jacquelyn Lynn, Writing|Comments Off on Writing Tip
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