Notes from the U.S. Christian Business Expo and National Conference
The theme of the 2022 U.S. Christian Business Expo and National Conference was God’s Economy: Believers Doing Business in the Marketplace. A series of amazing, dynamic speakers presented the seven pillars of success. Here are my notes from their talks:
Pillar 1: Community
Nyiesha Harrington
Arise Global Ministries
We need each other. We need to be around like-minded believers.
God doesn’t just want to use you, he wants to bring others into your life.
You have gone as far as you can by yourself. Be open to receiving what God sends.
If you’re feeling confusion or doubt, wait on God.
What is God calling you to and who is he calling you to connect with?
Be obedient and get plugged into a community.
Pillar 2: Resilience
Joshua Washington
Lee Malveaux
Our resilience diminishes when we forget who we are.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38, NIV)
There are no shortages in the Kingdom of God.
Abandoned versus saved. Sometimes it feels like we have been abandoned when in fact we have been saved because those people left our lives.
Do not quit on truth.
Daily restoration of God-given authority: Restore your authority by submitting your authority.
Check out Joshua’s book, The Mentality of Success: Activate Your Dreams, Unlock Your Potential
Pillar 3: Kingdom Leadership
Howard Partridge
International Business Coach
Leadership is inspired influence.
We gain influence by adding value and service.
Rest in God—let him work through you.
God calls us to plant and water, he gives the increase.
“I believe that one of the next great moves of God is going to be through the believers in the workplace.”—Billy Graham
Freedom means the opportunity to serve.
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. (Galatians 5:13, NIV)
Three steps:
- Support
- Encouragement
- Accountability
Check out Howard’s book, The Monday Morning Christian: How Living Out Your Faith In Business Leads to Phenomenal Success
Pillar 4: Kingdom Commerce
Susan E. Oh, CFA
Investment Director, Pennsylvania Public School Employees' Retirement System (PSERS)
Write a daily love letter to God.
Ask the Lord what lies you believe and write down the first thought that comes to you.
Ask what the truth is.
Say no to fear.
God uses nonbelievers to advance you.
Start small—you have no idea how God is going to multiply it.
God doesn’t waste anything.
Ministering to God is your number one priority.
Pursue the truth and find a way to get it done.
God tells us to have fun.
Everything you touch is Kingdom business.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, (Ephesians 3:20, NIV)
Pillar 5: Ethics
Pastor Jason Noble
Church Marketing, Engagement, and Strategic Partnerships, Advance Team Films
Do you rise up in faith or fall apart in fear?
Speak life over situations.
Ethics come from our hearts.
God wants to be your partner.
What you do ethically is your testimony.
We should invite God to go to work with us every day.
God has strategically placed you where he wants you to be.
God puts people in your path that he wants you to reach.
Don’t say that you’re a Christian, show it.
If you operate from a place of fear, you’ll operate unethically.
“It’s not personal, it’s just business” is not justification to hurt other people.
Forgive. Unforgiveness separates us from God. Forgiving sets us up to live ethically.
Pillar 6: Marketplace Ministry
Paul M. Neuberger
C-Suite for Christ
How is Christianity going to survive? We have to speak!
We, as Christians, did not seek this fight. This fight came to us. But as Christians, we fight differently. We fight with love.
When we don’t take Christ into the marketplace, it creates a void. What will fill that void? Money, celebrity, and lies.
My job is to plant seeds and start conversations. Let the Holy Spirit do its job.
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15, NIV)
To all creation, not just where you think it’s safe.
Three ways to do marketplace ministry:
- Let them see God through your action.
- Word substitution [use faith words not secular words]. Say “blessed,” not “lucky”; say “pray” not “hope”; say “amen!” not “I agree”.
- Have faith.
What did you do about it when you had the chance?
Pillar 7: Legacy
Lou Holtz
We complicate life; it doesn’t have to be complicated.
Three rules:
- Do the right thing.
You have the choice. Let people catch your attitude. Have fun with what you’re doing; enjoy it. Don’t let anyone else control your attitude.
- Do everything to the very best of your ability.
Be the best you’re capable of. Work with other people. You don’t have the right to cause other people to fail by not doing your best. Understand your obligation to your fellow workers.
- Build love in the organization.
Let people know how much you care.
For more information about the U.S. Christian Chamber of Commerce, visit
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