Here's why I volunteer with the Christian Chamber—and an invitation to join me!
In the Chamber, we talk a lot about serving—about how we serve others, about servant leadership. We know that Jesus was a servant. He set the example we should follow.
Servant members are essential to the Chamber. For the Chamber to accomplish its purpose of building Kingdom, business, and community, we need people who are willing to serve with their time, talent, and treasure.
If you just show up at a couple of Chamber functions each month, you’ll get more value than the cost of your annual membership.
But if you get involved, if you serve with your time and talent, you won’t be able to put a dollar amount to the value you’ll get from that.
Volunteering with the Chamber has meant so much to me, both professionally and personally. Yes, I’ve gotten some clients from my Chamber connections and a lot of you have bought my books. Thank you. And if anyone wants to talk about a writing or publishing project, check out my website at or give me a call.
But my service to the Chamber is so much more than that. It’s given me the opportunity to build amazing friendships. It’s helped me grow my faith as well as my business. And it’s allowed me to help the Chamber serve you.
Whether your time is limited or abundant, whether you prefer to function at a senior management level or you like to do the hands-on work, there are so many ways you can get involved in the Chamber. To get started serving the Kingdom through the Chamber by joining our team of wonderful volunteers, just text Krystal Parker, the Chamber president. And maybe we’ll be working on a Chamber project together soon.
If you need Krystal's number, contact me and I'll get it to you. Go here to learn more about the Christian Chamber.
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