Good news: Yahoo! has taken the Clever Homemaker's list down. Applause to Yahoo! for demonstrating respect for intellectual property rights. I hope the list owner has learned a lesson.
I am grateful to Charlene Davis for bringing this to my attention and being responsive to Yahoo!'s requests for additional information. I also appreciate the support of the American Society of Journalists & Authors (ASJA), which is a great resource for writers (and for people who want to hire them).
Before this starts sounding too much like an awards acceptance speech, I'm going to write "happy ending" on this situation and get back to work.
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Well to you it may have been the right thing, however Clever Homemaker had a lot of other benefit than what “Shirley” may have done. There was a lot of interaction and information from the members and I am very disappointed that this very active and informative group has been removed. Perhaps there was a better way to take care of this problem than to harm the 6000+ members who were engaged in a very useful forum! Of course, you may delete this since you are moderating, but I hope you’ll allow free speech to prevail over your wish to be “right”.
Shirley was breaking the law and stealing from a number of writers and businesses — and those are the people who were being harmed here. What she was doing is theft, pure and simple. She is fortunate that her victims are not pursuing legal action against her.
People tried to tell her that what she was doing was wrong and her response was to remove them from the list — not to change her conduct. Yahoo! could not let itself be in the position of condoning intellectual property theft.
If someone was stealing from you and giving your things to other people, would you say the recipients of your things were being harmed if authorities stepped in and stopped the theft?