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Content Marketing

Book Promotion Tip: Write Your Own Interview

Have you ever heard television or radio show host ask really stupid questions? Or have you been interviewed and had the interviewer ask you about things totally unrelated to what you really wanted to talk about? If you’re promoting a book, or just promoting yourself as an expert, you have more opportunities than ever for [...]

Content Marketing and Social Media: Don’t Set and Forget

One of the wonderful things about the abundance of content marketing and social media tools is that they allow us to manage our messages without having to do it in real time. Caution: Don’t “set and forget” your social media posts. Update March 22, 2020:  Less than two days after Florida's governor ordered all restaurants [...]

5 Tips To Get Results With Content Marketing

Want to engage with your customers in a way that they will not just welcome but actively seek? That will drive sales and referrals? That will increase profits and grow your company? The solution is content marketing – and 91% of B2B and 86% of B2C marketers are already doing it. Let’s begin by answering [...]

Great Blog Content: Write for Your Reader

In a recent presentation to the National Association of Entrepreneurs, I explained how to create great blog content – that is, content that search engines will love and your audience will want to read. Great content is written for the reader – the human reader.     Before you start writing, answer these questions about [...]

What makes quality blog content?

Recently I spoke to the National Association of Entrepreneurs about blogging. While there are a lot of ingredients that must be combined to create an effective, successful blog, the most important is quality content. What makes quality content? It is: Well-written. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax and sentence structure. Avoid jargon and abbreviations your [...]

Good Info: PR, Blogging, Social Media, Productivity and More

Some blogs with good information worth sharing: Got any other bad ideas? This is a funny post from PR Daily with some valuable advice on how to shop for and deal with a PR agency -- and how PR agencies can identify prospective clients they should avoid. The thoughts can be applied to any professional [...]

Content marketers and copyright law

If you're in business, chances are you have at least some intellectual property that needs protecting. And as companies increase their use of content marketing as a business growth strategy, the need to understand copyright law increases proportionately. When it comes to intellectual property and content marketing, you have two equally important goals: Protect the [...]

White papers: a great way to make your marketing points

How do you find information online? I do keyword searches, then quickly scan the results for websites that appear to have what I want. And I’m absolutely delighted when a site offers me a chance to receive more information in the form of a free special report, fact sheet, briefing—or white paper.  The term “white [...]

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