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General Information

The Real Cost of Free

I love a bargain. Who doesn’t? Although it may sound good, “free” isn’t always the best deal. In fact, it’s not always even a good deal. Recently I was watching an online training that is part of the benefits of my paid membership in the Social Media Marketing Society. The presenter was sharing some tools, [...]

Celebrate Literacy

International Literacy Day was Sept. 8. To help raise awareness of the importance of literacy, our friends at Grammarly (the source for some of the best shares on Facebook) produced the following infographic with literacy statistics from around the world. In the U.S., 32 million adults (14 percent of the population) can't read — and 19 [...]

By |2015-09-08T20:57:25-04:00September 8th, 2015|General Information|0 Comments

How to Hire and Work with a Ghostwriter (Part 1)

You’ve got a great idea for a book but don’t have the time or the skills to write it yourself You know you should be blogging but you’re too busy to do it regularly and effectively You’d like to produce information products but aren’t able to get them organized and written You know content marketing [...]

Proofread with a Purposeful Plan

Proofreading often proves difficult. Why? Because for the most part, when attempting to proofread your own writing, you read what you thought you wrote. And even after letting your work “cool off,” it’s difficult to catch every error in a single reading. Unless you’re a juggler accustomed to having six or eight items in the [...]

By |2016-01-27T09:29:35-05:00February 27th, 2015|Communications, General Information, Guest|0 Comments

My Change of Heart: Don’t worry about ticking people off

Should you let your customers know about your personal and political opinions? For many years, I advised my clients to keep their personal and political views private and to choose non-controversial charities for their companies to support. My recommendation was based on the idea that some people who disagree with you may decide not to [...]

What makes quality blog content?

Recently I spoke to the National Association of Entrepreneurs about blogging. While there are a lot of ingredients that must be combined to create an effective, successful blog, the most important is quality content. What makes quality content? It is: Well-written. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax and sentence structure. Avoid jargon and abbreviations your [...]

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