You’re creating great blog content, but is it working as hard for you as it could? Maximize your investment in your blog by using your content in other formats and platforms.
Here are 13 ways to repurpose your content:
1. Combine several blog posts to create an ebook, white paper, special report or user guide.
2. Create an infographic based on the content of one or more of your blogs.
3. Organize the content into a slide deck and upload to SlideShare.
4. Create a video by either converting your slide show into a video and speaking over it, or record yourself speaking about the topic, using your blog as a script.
5. Build a presentation around your content and use it to speak to groups.
6. Turn one or more of your posts into a podcast.
7. Use your content to design a webinar that you can offer live or on-demand.
8. Create social media posts by pulling out brief snippets from your blogs and sharing them on the various social platforms your audience uses (be sure to link back to your original article).
9. Design an email course using your blogs as individual lessons.
10. Compile a “best of” post that links to your most popular 5 or 10 earlier posts.
11. Turn a post into a quiz or checklist.
12. Use your blog content in your electronic and print newsletters.
13. Create a follow-up article that refers to an earlier blog post and adds fresh information, current statistics or perhaps discusses some of the comments made on the original.
What other ways have you repurposed content? Please share!
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