Among all the new, jazzy content marketing tools that are available, blogs remain the foundation, the workhorse, the launchpad for everything else you do.
Important reasons to blog include:
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- Reputation management
- Thought leadership
- Education
- Building lists
All good reasons that will result in increased sales.
But the biggest challenge for bloggers is coming up with quality content – and content is what makes a blog effective. So if you have a blog, what should you write about?
Recently I made a presentation to the National Association of Entrepreneurs giving 7 strategies for creating blog content that your readers (existing and prospective customers) and the search engines will love. Here’s a video of that presentation (it’s about 21 minutes long).
The seven strategies are:
1. Answer the questions your customers are asking. Write blogs that respond to the questions and phrases your readers are searching on.
2. Build an editorial calendar. A blog shouldn’t be a spur-of-the-moment, seat-of-the-pants operation. Create a schedule and follow it.
3. Do comparisons. Compare companies, products, opinions. Offer objective analysis that your readers can consider and will share.
4. Write about what’s wrong with your industry and how to fix it. Don’t attack anyone, but position yourself as a thought leader who cares about the industry and wants to see improvement.
5. Create and maintain an idea file. When you get a great idea, write it down before you forget it.
6. Curate content. Share the valuable information you’re seeing on other sites.
7. Invite guest bloggers. You don’t have to create all the content on your blog. Guest bloggers will appreciate the exposure and expand your audience.
Share your ideas for creating great content below.
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[…] that it’s not a true personal message. I appreciate my followers and I try to show it by Tweeting great content and not wasting their […]