If you're in business, chances are you have at least some intellectual property that needs protecting. And as companies increase their use of content marketing as a business growth strategy, the need to understand copyright law increases proportionately.

copyright symbolWhen it comes to intellectual property and content marketing, you have two equally important goals:

  1. Protect the content you have created
  2. Avoid infringing on others' rights

A lot of myths and misunderstandings about copyright law are floating around. Attorney Ashley Dobb's blog, Copyright Law: What Intellectual Property is Protected?, is a great primer on the subject. It's a quick read and worth the time. Some of the key points she explains:

  • What is — and isn't — copyrightable
  • What rights a copyright provides
  • Who owns the copyright to work produced by your employees and independent contractors

Be sure your content marketing plan addresses intellectual property rights and that everyone on your team understands what you can and can't do when it comes to how you create and use content. Got questions? Consult  an attorney before a problem arises — it's a worthwhile investment.


Jacquelyn Lynn
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