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Business & Management

Downsize? Rightsizing is a Better Business Strategy

I’ve had a number of clients over the years that have done some significant – and often traumatic – restructuring to their organizations while I was working with them. The process was usually driven by an urgent need to reduce costs and improve productivity. While these otherwise intelligent, savvy business leaders were usually successful in [...]

By |2020-06-30T14:50:36-04:00March 31st, 2017|Business & Management, Jacquelyn Lynn|Comments Off on Downsize? Rightsizing is a Better Business Strategy

Is your website’s contact form working?

If you have a contact form on your website, will you get the messages people submit through it? Recently I received an email from an online marketing expert sharing the story of how his contact form failed and he didn’t realize it for about six months. It’s likely that he missed messages from prospective customers [...]

By |2016-11-12T11:35:48-05:00November 12th, 2016|Business & Management, Communications, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations|Comments Off on Is your website’s contact form working?

How Long has it Been Since You Backed Up Your Mailing List?

Your customer mailing list is one of your most valuable assets. It’s the foundation of your ability to communicate with the people you’ve identified as customers or potential customers. Whether you market by email, direct (snail) mail or a combination, think about this: What would it mean to your marketing plan specifically and your company [...]

By |2020-01-08T15:05:56-05:00October 27th, 2016|Business & Management, Communications, Intellectual Property, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations|Comments Off on How Long has it Been Since You Backed Up Your Mailing List?

“Why?” is the Perfect Response to a Request for a Discount

What do you say when clients ask for a discount? Most small business owners and even a lot of professional salespeople find it difficult to deal with customers who want to haggle over price. In the past when quoting my professional fees, my usual practice was to say that I could only reduce my [...]

By |2024-01-06T14:39:23-05:00May 9th, 2016|Business & Management, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations|Comments Off on “Why?” is the Perfect Response to a Request for a Discount

Adult Coloring Books as a Marketing & Customer Service Tool

Adult coloring books are for more than just coloring. When I first suggested to Jerry that we collaborate on a coloring book for adults, he thought it was a crazy idea. He hadn’t heard about how popular the adult coloring book trend had become, but—good husband that he is—he was willing to humor me. He’s [...]

By |2020-01-08T14:11:45-05:00April 26th, 2016|Business & Management, Faith Works Books & Images, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations|Comments Off on Adult Coloring Books as a Marketing & Customer Service Tool

Terms You Should Know About Content Rights

Do you use content that you did not create on your blog, website or elsewhere? By content, we mean articles and other copy; photographs and other types of images; audio; video and so on. If any of your content is not original, you need to be sure you have the right to use it. If you [...]

By |2019-11-10T11:00:59-05:00March 12th, 2016|Business & Management, Content Marketing, General Information, Intellectual Property, Jacquelyn Lynn, Photography, Technology|Comments Off on Terms You Should Know About Content Rights

Do an Annual Website Audit

Have you ever landed on a website and found information that’s out of date or inconsistent, links that don’t work or images that don’t display? Could there be pages like that on your website? Most business websites these days reflect the rapidly-changing environment in which we operate. New content gets added and old material doesn’t [...]

The Real Cost of Free

I love a bargain. Who doesn’t? Although it may sound good, “free” isn’t always the best deal. In fact, it’s not always even a good deal. Recently I was watching an online training that is part of the benefits of my paid membership in the Social Media Marketing Society. The presenter was sharing some tools, [...]

By |2019-11-10T11:08:25-05:00October 26th, 2015|Business & Management, General Information, Jacquelyn Lynn|Comments Off on The Real Cost of Free

Do You Need a Celebrity Spokesperson?

We live in a celebrity-obsessed culture. Thanks to that, celebrities have made millions of dollars pitching various products. But do you need one pitching yours? I’m writing this as the case of Jared Fogle and Subway is in the news. Fogle didn’t start out as a celebrity. The ex-Subway spokesperson achieved his celebrity status by [...]

By |2015-08-22T14:27:18-04:00August 22nd, 2015|Business & Management, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations|Comments Off on Do You Need a Celebrity Spokesperson?

A Death in the Family

What Should Employers Do to Help Grieving Employees? It’s not realistic to expect that employees can leave the impact of personal tragedies at home. The effects of death, divorce, accidents, serious illness, or other personal crises frequently carry over into the workplace and must be dealt with. Even the most compassionate supervisors might find themselves [...]

By |2016-01-27T15:45:24-05:00August 8th, 2015|Business & Management, Jacquelyn Lynn|Comments Off on A Death in the Family
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