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Sales, Marketing, Public Relations

Did you say what you meant?

I remember the first time I called a professional service supplier and her voice mail announcement promised she would call me back "at my earliest convenience." My reaction was: Excuse me -- her earliest convenience? I was the customer and she just told me she'd return my call when she was ready without any concern [...]

By |2016-12-06T12:00:25-05:00January 6th, 2014|Communications, Customer Service, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations|Comments Off on Did you say what you meant?

Is Your LinkedIn Profile Current?

Is the information on your LinkedIn profile up-to-date? By Jacquelyn Lynn Earlier today I was on LinkedIn sending a connection request and, after I hit "send," got the usual list of people I might know and want to connect with. Scanning the list, I did see some people I know and a number of others [...]

By |2015-09-04T17:21:06-04:00December 10th, 2013|Business & Management, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media|Comments Off on Is Your LinkedIn Profile Current?

Make Guest Blogging Part of Your Content Marketing Plan

Your blog is a tremendous content marketing tool. Guest blogging puts your blog on steroids. The two ways to benefit from guest blogging are: Get your blogs (articles) published on other sites Publish the work of guest authors on your site You as a guest blogger The major benefits of getting your articles published [...]

By |2024-12-21T16:21:51-05:00November 27th, 2013|Content Marketing, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations|Comments Off on Make Guest Blogging Part of Your Content Marketing Plan

Keep it Simple, Make it Interesting

  A key challenge many content marketers face is that the information they want to share is complex and not always easy to explain in short blogs and sound bites – but if they can’t create those quick, easily-understood pieces, they have trouble capturing an audience willing to invest the time in learning more and [...]

By |2019-12-11T19:50:01-05:00October 21st, 2013|Content Marketing, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations|Comments Off on Keep it Simple, Make it Interesting

6 Tips to Get Your Blog Comments Published

One of the more effective but labor-intensive content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies is to comment on blogs and leave a link back to your own website. Of course, a lot of people comment on blogs simply because they want to engage in the conversation. Most bloggers welcome comments, regardless of the poster’s [...]

By |2019-11-07T18:01:28-05:00October 6th, 2013|Content Marketing, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media|Comments Off on 6 Tips to Get Your Blog Comments Published

Extend the Life of Your Social Media Content

As someone who creates content, one of my frustrations with Facebook and other social media platforms is the relatively short shelf-life of the content. So when Facebook introduced the ability to imbed posts in websites and the social media experts were saying this would lead to increased engagement, I was intrigued. I’m sure the strategists [...]

By |2014-02-23T08:23:25-05:00September 19th, 2013|Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media|Comments Off on Extend the Life of Your Social Media Content

Is Your Content Criminal?

Recently I had the opportunity to attend Meir Ezra’s Genius in Business Tour, which is an information-packed two-day event held around the country. One of the concepts Meir discussed was that in life, as well as in business, there are four types of exchange: Criminal, when one party takes without compensating the other. Essentially, [...]

7 Effective Strategies for Great Blog Content

Among all the new, jazzy content marketing tools that are available, blogs remain the foundation, the workhorse, the launchpad for everything else you do. Important reasons to blog include: Search engine optimization (SEO) Reputation management Thought leadership Education Building lists All good reasons that will result in increased sales. But the biggest challenge for bloggers [...]

Make It Easy for Readers to Comment on Your Blog

Most bloggers want comments on their posts, and for good reason. Comments are excellent gauges of reader engagement and great sources of future content ideas. They also have a positive impact on site ranking. So why make it hard for people to comment on your blog? Several years ago, I wrote a book, Words to [...]

By |2019-11-07T17:22:55-05:00July 30th, 2013|Communications, Content Marketing, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media, Technology|Comments Off on Make It Easy for Readers to Comment on Your Blog

Website Design: Why Image Sliders Don’t Work

What’s your reaction to a website that opens with images (and messages) that scroll across the top of the homepage? It’s a design element commonly known as sliders. I’ve never liked it, but I see so much of it, I assumed I was in the minority. Now I’m not so sure. I’ve been involved in [...]

By |2014-07-21T09:35:36-04:00July 21st, 2013|Content Marketing, Jacquelyn Lynn, Sales, Marketing, Public Relations, Technology|Comments Off on Website Design: Why Image Sliders Don’t Work
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